About VoiceOver Tips

Giving you the most practical tips you can use right now.

Everyone wants to produce better work, and do it faster. Whether your goal is to have more free time, or to be able to complete more jobs in the same amount of time, VoiceOver Tips will help you do exactly that. 

Each tip on this website will give you an important bit of information. These tips can increase the quality of your deliveries, help you edit faster, or figure out ways to increase your income from voiceovers.

Meet Wes

I’m Wes, voiceover artist and radio producer. It’s my goal to help you become great (and get better!) at voiceovers. I started as a radio host seven years ago and morphed into a freelance voiceover artist and producer. I left my job at a major market Canadian top-40 station in 2015 and began working with clients in my city.

Since then, I’ve developed a list of clients who keep coming back for more voiceovers and radio commercials. The best part is that I can do all this work from my home. My goal is to help you reach that same target, and even surpass what you think is your maximum potential.

VoiceOver Tips

How can you get started working from home making money with your voice? It’s probably easier than you think. With a few VoiceOver Tips, you can improve your voiceovers or simply just get started.

These are all tips and tricks I actually use when doing my voiceovers.

microphone, audio, computer

This website has some of the most practical and useful tips for recording and producing voiceovers. I’ll take you through everything from microphone technique to client relations. 

Maybe you need to find faster ways to edit, or want to find ways to really get into character. I’ll be helping you do just that. It’s taken me the better part of seven years to accumulate all these tips in my brain. 

I’m uncorking the bottle, so to speak, and releasing everything that’s been rattling around inside my head for the past several years. I figured out all these tips and tricks through trial and error. Now I’m getting them all written down for your benefit.

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VoiceOver Tips